What are the Training Study Guides and Who Can Use Them?

What Are Training Study Guides?

When you first learn a new skill you have to concentrate on the steps. You take your time while you think about what comes next. But after you master the skill it becomes a habit and you don't need to think about it so much. Kinda like learning to drive a car or ride a bike.

As a trainer, I try always to remember what it feels like to be a beginner.

There's often a gap between practicing a skill with a trainer to guide you and practicing it on your own. 

The Dog Training Study Guides fill in that gap. They are Guides for practicenot a substitute for the actual lesson.

Here's what you'll find in each Study Guide:

Key Concept - The reason for learning the skill.

Target Behavior - What you want your dog to do.

Mechanics - A review of the steps for teaching the target behavior.

Application - A reminder about how this skill fits into the big picture for both you and your dog.

Checklist - Important points to remember as you practice.

Who Can Use The Guides?

Whether or not you have trained with me, you have unlimited access to all the training guides. Some of the material may be unfamiliar to you.

If you want to follow up with lessons in person or online, you may contact me at [email protected] Please use the subject line "dog training lessons" so that it will get my immediate attention.

How To Get In Touch About A Question

Every Guide includes a Comments section at the end just like the one below. I encourage you to use the Comments to share your experience or to ask a question. You can request a lesson plan for a specific skill. The Comments section is a perfect way to get clarification about anything in the Guide.

What You Can Do Next

Use the Comments to introduce yourself and tell us about your dog.

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